The PROBLEM With Going On A Vegan Diet (Is A Vegan Diet Healthy Long Term?)

I’m gonna show you the
number one problem when it comes to going on a vegan diet what’s up guys
Carlo Macapinlac here from I help busy
professionals look good shirtless so they can feel more confident and get the most
out of their lives if you’re new to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe
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ok the plant based diet movement is getting a lot of steam these days when it comes to
being the best diet for you right and I have nothing against vegans by the way
in fact I have a lot of respect for vegans you know that takes a lot of
commitment a lot of discipline and a lot of dedication to stick to that kind of
diet and lifestyle but before we build a case against veganism we need to start
looking into some history and how we evolved as human beings so we got to
look at a little bit of ancestral science here so we’ve been around for 2
and 1/2 million years and we evolved to eat plants and animals we’re omnivores
right so we hunted megafauna which are big animals like Mastodon saber-toothed
Tigers giant sloths you know giant beavers and the likes and then we would
stumble upon plants and wild berries and seasonal berries for example we are not
herbivores the Inuits in Canada for example and other you know tribes out
there in remote parts of the world still live in this kind of a hunter-gatherer
lifestyle where they hunt animals for food especially the Inuits in Canada
right I mean you know they live up north they don’t really have access to you
know plants and berry so they hunt seals seals are their main source of food so
what they do is when they catch the seal they would go after the fatty parts of
the seal and organ meats because they are the most nutrient dense part of the
animal and they would actually feed the lean cuts of meat to their dogs
basically hunting and eating animals is how we evolved as human beings veganism
and you know going in a vegetarian diet is nothing but a modern human experiment
I know that’s hard for some people to hear but that’s the truth if you study
traditional people for example if you studied traditional groups there are no
you know ancestral groups out there that identified as being vegans or
vegetarians veganism hasn’t really existed in human history until today
like if you ask a lot of anthropologists out there for example right they’ll tell
you that eating meat and being able to cook meat
is how we evolved as human beings you know we develop tools to hunt these
animals right we develop spears and bows and arrows and stuff like that and we
hunted them down we crack their bones open and we gain access to the marrow
which is very very nutrient-dense right so you got to think about it this way
okay so back in the Paleolithic times we
evolved to survive the harshest conditions that this planet had to offer
and the way we did that was by learning how to hunt and be able to access
nutrient-dense types of foods we then learned how to cook meat right which
made the nutrients more bioavailable which allowed us less time for foraging
right so we didn’t have to like go out and gather leaves and berries we would
just cook animals and get all our nutrients from just that one source if
you look at monkeys for example right they spend 80% of their day foraging for
foods they would just go around and eat leaves and eat berries and whatever they
can get their hands on and they would just spend all day foraging for food we
don’t need to do that anymore so the simple fact that we learned how to hunt
and cook meat is what allowed us to develop our brains and advance
civilization and society in general you know we we started to build pyramids we
built airplanes we built iPhones we developed YouTube channels and now
you’re watching a video about veganism speaking of bioavailability and nutrient
density it is very very very hard to get all the nutrients that your body needs
from a vegan diet protein for example it’s a really really big topic when it
comes to fitness and nutrition right you’ve got to eat a stupid amount of
beans and broccoli for example to get the proper amount of protein that your
body needs to build muscle versus just eating like a five ounce piece of meat
for example and the other thing that you got to consider is the bioavailability
of the nutrients in plant foods versus animal foods right so plant protein for
example right let’s say you eat a hundred grams of protein from
plant-based foods again from broccoli and beans for example right well the
bioavailability of plant protein is actually just 20% which means that if
you eat a hundred grams of plant protein you’re actually only getting 20 grams of
it versus animal protein absorption is about 80% so that’s a huge difference
when it comes to actually absorbing all the nutrients that you’re eating from
animal foods versus plant foods and the other argument for vegans is that you
know they say that oh my god I feel so much better since I switched to a veganism
diet and that may or may not be true but you have to consider the baseline of
where some of these people are coming from right so if your baseline is you
know eating chicken nuggets Twizzlers Twinkies and Doritos for breakfast lunch
and dinner and you automatically switch to a vegan diet debunked of course you’re gonna
feel better but here’s the thing if you ask any vegan or vegetarian person out
there they’ll tell you that they’re eating way too much carbs right they’re
eating way too much bread pasta cereal they’re eating way too much fruit so
their predominant macronutrient it’s carbs and this is common knowledge but I
have to mention it anyway right if you eat too much carbs if you eat too much
refined carbs processed carbs and sugar the likelihood of you gaining weight and
developing obesity and heart disease skyrockets and what is satiating right
satiating foods are fat and protein and that’s just basic human physiology right
so fats and protein activate your satiety hormones like it’s very hard to
overeat steak for example whereas you know if you put cookies chips candy and
crackers in front of someone there’s no limit next thing you know you’re staring
at the bottom of the bag right and you’re like what happened and another
thing that I want to mention are plant-based substitute you know instead
of meat right so beyond burger is a perfect example of this it’s all the
rage these days you know every fast-food chain out there a lot of restaurants
carry beyond burger option these days but here’s the problem with that okay if
you look at the ingredient of a beef burger patty for example there’s one
ingredient. Beef. But then if you look at the ingredients of a beyond
burger patty I can’t even pronounce half of the ingredients in that list you
know what I mean it’s highly processed and you can’t possibly think that that
option is healthier versus a grass-fed burger patty it’s just not so there’s
that but then all good reasoning goes out the window when we’re presented with
an ideologically based documentary like What The Health and the likes the
documentary makes these unsubstantiated claims like for example egg eating an
egg is as bad as smoking five cigarettes a day or that eating meat causes
diabetes and that cholesterol is the devil and you know just weird health
claims and people tell me that these claims are like oh you know that eating
eggs are bad for you I’m like where did you hear that and then they’ll tell you that
oh I saw it from What The Health and they watch something like that
and they take it as the truth like none of that is based on good science none of
the health claims in that documentary is based on good science the claims that
they make in that documentary are based on what’s called an epidemiological
studies right so if you don’t know what that is an epidemiological study is an
observational study where they asked let’s say a hundred people right so they
give people food questionnaires and they ask them what did you eat over the last
six months as if we can remember what we ate last week or even yesterday for
example right so people do their best answer these questionnaires right so
they look who ate eggs and who had a heart attack and then they try to make a
correlation between the two does that sound like good science to you so they
use that information and then they make these crazy claims about again you know
eating an egg is as bad as smoking 5 cigarettes a day which is just crazy if
you choose to follow a vegan diet you need to follow it perfectly if you want
to be healthy that’s just the way it is and some
people do it right there are high level athletes out there there are you know
professional vegan bodybuilders that are doing very well on a vegan diet but
they’re more of an exception and not the rule because if you follow a vegan diet
you need to stay on top of your supplements and that’s just not what a
lot of people do when they follow a vegan diet right they just eat
plant based food and they think that they’re eating a healthy diet and a
really big one that people miss out on is you know essential fatty acids right
so EPA and DHA which you would normally just get from eating fish for example
like you can’t get that from a vegan diet and that’s where supplementing
comes into play but then supplementing also comes with bioavailability again
like you have to take an excessive amount of supplements to get the same
amount as you would normally get from just eating you know a three ounce piece
of fish like vitamin k2 for example which is important for cardiovascular
health can only be found in animal products same thing with vitamin b12
like you can take supplements but you’re usually just getting the precursor to
that vitamin instead of the actual vitamin itself so your body has to
convert what you’re taking in and again it just reduces what you’re actually
getting again bioavailability like beta-carotene for example instead of
retinol which is what your body actually needs which again you would only get
from pasture-raised fats and grass-fed organ meats another example is iron from
spinach for example right so people say that oh but there’s iron in spinach well
your body doesn’t absorb it the same way versus you know getting iron from meat
are you guys catching my drift here like the most nutritious food on the planet
is liver grass-fed liver which nobody’s used to eating anymore right but if you
ask your grandparents they used to eat liver and onions that was a normal thing
back then bottom line is you can get all the vitamins and nutrients that your
body needs from animal foods you cannot get that from a vegan diet and the last
argument for vegans is that you know they do it because they want to reduce
their carbon footprint on this planet and I’m on board with that
I totally agree I’m with you 100% for moral reasons I am totally on board
that’s why you want to consume meats that are ethically sourced and are
pasture-raised but at the end of the day right if you want to follow a vegan diet
for ideological reasons that’s totally fine but there are no randomized
clinical control trials that proves that a vegan diet is the healthy diet for
humans there just isn’t any there is however a lot of rigorous research so
randomized controlled clinical trials done on thousands of people that shows
that a diet higher in fat and lower in carbs leads to better outcome in terms
of weight loss improvement in overall health and preventing diabetes and heart
disease at the end of the day if you’re following a vegan diet you just have to
ask yourself this one question if you’re following a diet for moral and
ideological reasons but it’s actually affecting your health in a negative way
is it really worth it okay the next question then becomes how are you
actually supposed to eat if you want to lose weight because let’s be honest 80%
of your body composition goals is determined by your diet
you can’t just freestyle this part do you have a proven plan that you can
follow to help you with that I want to give you a free copy of my lean body
blueprint this is how I melted all the fat around my stomach and turn it into a
six-pack without going in a crazy diet or wasting hours at the gym it’s a
simple four-step process specifically designed for busy professionals and it’s
the exact same blueprint that I teach all my private coaching clients and
they’ve all gone to see some amazing results

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